Tuesday, 17 June 2014
I'm Back. Did you miss me?

Wednesday, 12 February 2014
'Not Trying, Not Preventing'
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
"Gender Disappointment" Is it real?
This post has been inspired by the very carageous post by The Badass Breastfeeder (linking Isn't working on the app so I'll post a linknto her post at the end of the post.)
When I fell pregnant with C something told me this was going to be my take home baby. At last. I didnt really think about gender at any point. I just automatically assumed I would have a girl. I dont know why. But as I started preparing for what laid ahead all that was in my head was 'my daughter'.
I wanted to be a mum for as long as I can remember. But whenever I pictured motherhood it was always pigtails and dresses and shopping trips with my little girl. I never once in the entire time I was trying to conceive even thought that my baby might be a boy. Football kits and rainy Saturdays spent on a cold pitch? Not really my scene.
I pictured helping my daughter during her pregnancy, going baby shopping, watching her get married and having someone to simply have an amazing relationship with.
At 16 weeks pregnant we went for a private gender scan. As she scanned over my belly I caught a glimpse of his genitals. My heart sank a little bit. The the sonographer confirmed it. I thumbed up to hubby and put on a fake cheerful face. I was in shock. I didnt even know what boys liked to eat (it turns out the same as girls, ya know, FOOD!).
I was numb for a couple of weeks. I lost my mojo for getting ready. That was until I hit 21 weeks. By then I'd had weeks of my MIL (Mother in Law) calling my baby 'my boy' and giving me random bits of advice
About raising boys and how hard work they are blah blah blah.
At 21 weeks I broke. I said to hubby "I would rather kill me and this baby right now than your mother use MY son to try and replace your brother" (thats another story for another time) He didnt even get mad. But did do his best to reassure me that she wouldnt take over. But wahoo I'd finally said my son! Excitement kinda kicked in after this. I did have to to check between his legs when he was born but if im honest it was just so amazing just to hold this warm (slippery) gorgeous little boy that it didnt even matter what gender he was anymore. Boys have loads of great
qualities. I dont know what made me so fixated on thinking I would have a girl no questions asked. I grew up as one of 3 girls until my little brother was born 5 months before I left home. So maybe I just desired the whole sister bond thing for my own children. But brothers can get on well aswell cant they? (please say yes).
I've learnt alot the last few years. Especially since its taken 3.5 years so far to conceive number 2. I've (almost) let go of my desire for PINK and it turns out that kids like all the same things. This whole gender divide thing is all grown ups doing. I would still really love a daughter, but if I have 12 boys first so be it ;).
I do think gender dissapointment is a real thing. My instinct was wrong but I learned to live with it. No woman should be shot down for thinkung their baby is a specific gender and being disappointed when they're not. Try to respect their feelings because chances are once that baby is born those feelings will dissapear.
Heres the link to the badass breastfeeders blog post: http://www.thebadassbreastfeeder.com/gender-disappointment/
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Coughs, colds and the 2 week wait.
Normally I would be straight on the cold a flu tablets the only problem this time is I'm in the dreaded two week wait. Typical. After almost 3.5 years of TTC I want to say screw it, what's the chances it's happened this cycle. I have my usual AF symptoms and I certainly don't 'feel' pregnant and I have always known long before testing that I'm pregnant previously.
But nope. Something holding me back. I like to call it the 'just incase guilt'. We all suffer from it, well us women anyhow. The 'oh I won't have that glass of wine' or 'I won't have that runny egg sandwich' JUST INCASE!!
So here I am with a mug of Twinnings vanilla, chamomile and honey tea secretly wishing I could have a huge mug of coffee and some cold and flu tablets, but I swear if she (Aunt flo) turns up Friday she will be getting a piece of my mind!! Because there's nothing like shouting at your genitals to make you feel better, right?