I hope you guys haven't missed me too much whilst I've been away. I didn't plan on being away for quite so long but life just sometimes, or is it blogging that sometimes gets in the way of life? hmmm.
Hubby and I decided to take a break from TTC for a cycle or two. So much has happened in that time but we are now back on the TTC bandwagon.
Next month, 26th July, will mark 4 years since my last BFP. The BFP that should have been my 4th child.
Anyway, more recently C has had his induction into school. I cannot believe my baby starts school in September it's crazy! Time has flown by. So the next couple of months are going to be mostly buying and sewing labels into school uniform and practicing letters and numbers. I really hope he loves school. I struggled so badly at school and I don't want the same for him.
Do any of you have little ones starting school in September?