Sunday, 19 January 2014

Coughs, colds and the 2 week wait.

C has been back at school for 2 week, the equivalent of 5 days spread over this 2 weeks and he's already brought home a nice cold for us all to share.

Normally I would be straight on the cold a flu tablets the only problem this time is I'm in the dreaded two week wait. Typical. After almost 3.5 years of TTC I want to say screw it, what's the chances it's happened this cycle. I have my usual AF symptoms and I certainly don't 'feel' pregnant and I have always known long before testing that I'm pregnant previously.

But nope. Something holding me back. I like to call it the 'just incase guilt'. We all suffer from it, well us women anyhow. The 'oh I won't have that glass of wine' or 'I won't have that runny egg sandwich' JUST INCASE!!

So here I am with a mug of Twinnings vanilla, chamomile and honey tea secretly wishing I could have a huge mug of coffee and some cold and flu tablets, but I swear if she (Aunt flo) turns up Friday she will be getting a piece of my mind!! Because there's nothing like shouting at your genitals to make you feel better, right?