Saturday, 26 May 2012
Not so silent Sunday!
Not a good start 3lbs on :(. Had a terrible week food wise. Hopefully next week I will have lost something...and i will actually be silent.This pic has definitely gave me the slap in the face I needed!
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Eco Egg Product Review!
Finally getting to write up my review of my Eco Egg trial. I must have been using this for around a month now and I'm just loving this product. I, like many of you out there's have my doubts when it comes to Eco friendly products, will they work like what I'm used to? is it going to be more expensive? Does it really clean to the same level as it's chemical filled equivalent? Well in this instance YES, yes it really does.
In my struggle to try to conceive I have considered many factors that might me getting in our way. My weight is a HUGE one (if you'll excuse the pun), but so is lifestyle and the things we use to clean our home can play a huge factor. The chemicals we breathe in and get absorbed through our skin, who to say they are not also playing a big part in this battle for baby no2?
My search for products that would leave my my house clean but without the effects on my health like a radioactive chemical plant (No one, NO ONE will be taking my toilet bleach off me by the way so don't try it!) led me to this wonderful product. Well actually this particular search began after a lady mentioned it in a cloth nappy group I'm a part of...I googled immediately. Emailing the owner who sent one to me the very next day :O. I squealed when I got home to find my Eco Egg had been delivered whilst I was out.
And right to squeal I was:
Contents of the box. |
Here is a picture of the contents in the box, looks scary but you don't use it all in one go.
I got it all open, took a few pics of course, put it together following the instruction, these newer models are very simple to open - No more 50p's needed. I got it all set up and got a wash straight on(I had already 'detoxed' my machine prior to its arrival) a normal wash at 40 degrees and all was well the with the world, then I had to try a 'daily wash' at 30 degrees just to test this product to the max.
Both times the laundry came out clean and fresh! I tumble dried it because of the bad weather but I loved how soft and fluffy everything was despite not using comfort even though we live in a REALLY hard water area!
The next day I had to step things up a notch. Do I purposefully gave C tomato soup from a well known brand which I know will stain anything that it comes into contact with. So there we are having our soup when I attack wipe C's mouth with one of his white vests.
Excuse it's crinklyness. but there is the self inflicted tomato soup stain that I created. I popped this in with a few other bits and the egg and washed on a daily (quick) wash at 30 degrees. Brave eh? Well here is the results.
Not bad eh? and the rest of that stain sunned right out. I think we can safely say that this product works just as great as any other product out there but its chemical free, doesn't cause C's eczema to flare up , also it is super cheap.
You can buy these eggs for just under £20. Don't pass out because that £20 egg is going to see you through 720 loads of washing- that's 3 YEARS worth of detergent for the average family doing 5 loads of washing a week saving you on average over £200. And the come in 3 fragrances, fragrance Free (fabulous for those, like my nan, who are sensitive to perfumes), Soft Cotton and Spring Blossom. They are also safe to use with your favourite fabric softener if you do like that strong perfume smell. Bonus!
These eggs could save you Lot's of £££'s and are so much better for the environment. Why not treat your family to one and see how much you can save whilst doing your bit to save the planet without even thinking about it. Eco egg Limited are also bringing out Dryer eggs soon. Cutting tumble drying time down by up to 28%. I cannot wait for these.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
"It's Orange Week!" using code names takes off pressure?

Where trying for a baby is concerned things seem a little more relaxed and Mr M certainly seems a little more 'up for it' this cycle.
Conversations about trying have slowed down almost to a holt and I try not to say anything unless he brings it up. Which he does.....ocassionaly.
I use this APP on my iPod called My Monthly Cycles which I have been using this year to help me keep track since my cycles can vary in length but this month it's really come in handy.
On Saturday it dawned on me that Ovulation wasn't far away and as I had ran out of OPKs (ovulation predictor kit) I needed a way of telling Mr M that we needed to up our game without causing him to him to think 'oh no, I have an exhausting week of pressure ahead of me'. So on Saturday (last week not yesterday) I simply said to him "it's Orange week next week", I had the app open on the homepage, he took it off me, nodded and so the past week we've been 'active' without the usual pressures!
As of today we're in the 2 week wait! So do wish us luck. Obviously I will keep you updated. Feel free to share you TTC journeys with us below if you have something to share you feel may help all those trying for long awaited babies all over the world :)
Silent Sunday Cancelled.
Well it looks as if either my scales do not want to work or the battery's have ran out and I have no spares so sadly weigh in will be cancelled for today and I'll continue next week. Got lots of blogging to catch up on anyways.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Friday, 11 May 2012
Nappy of The Month....May
I had 2 Nappies sent to me this month but this one I bought for myself. This is the Bambino Mio Mio Solo and what a wonderful step up from their equally wonderful 2 part system the Mio Solo is.
I have a box of the part part system in my attic (I must have about 30 prefolds. woops) awaiting the conception and arrival of baby number 2 but for C, now he is bigger and potty training these Mio Solo nappies are just perfect for him. He has grown out of many of his one size nappies now but the Mio Solo still has lots of room and doesn't leave marks on his hips as it is done up with velcro rather than snaps. I love popper/snaps but am re falling in love with aplix/velcro fastening too. So much choice you can't go wrong.
So this is how the nappy held up for us.
Key Tests: Washing - Wash at 40 with your other nappies.
Drying time- Airier - 14 hours/overnight
By radiator - 10 hours tops.
Line Drying - Not tested.
Absorbency- Great after just 1 wash. I used with 1 bamboo booster and no problems at all. Doesn't require lots of pre washing saving lots of pennies.
Pooplosion containment - brilliant. I used this with a Bambino Mio paper liner and it was really easy to deal with the mess when C was a little under the weather.
Fit - I actually can't fault it at the moment. For older toddlers I am going to say its perfect. I look forward to trying it out on an infant hopefully in the not to distant future!
Drying time- Airier - 14 hours/overnight
By radiator - 10 hours tops.
Line Drying - Not tested.
Absorbency- Great after just 1 wash. I used with 1 bamboo booster and no problems at all. Doesn't require lots of pre washing saving lots of pennies.
Pooplosion containment - brilliant. I used this with a Bambino Mio paper liner and it was really easy to deal with the mess when C was a little under the weather.
Fit - I actually can't fault it at the moment. For older toddlers I am going to say its perfect. I look forward to trying it out on an infant hopefully in the not to distant future!
Have you entered the Bambino Mio Big One five competition celebrating their 15th Birthday? Well get over to their Facebook page and join in the prizes are AMAZING!
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Pic of prizes for the big 15 comp on Bambino Mio Facebook page! |
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Somewhere I've lost 2.5lb!
You may remember my second measly attempt at slimming world of the year a couple of weeks back.
Well it all went to pot after the first day when C spent a week in and out of Hospital with suspected Norovirus. Ugh. Anyway, somewhere in the last couple of weeks I have managed to lose 2.5lbs without trying. I only weighed myself to see if I had crept up to 21 stone yet but, thank the lord, I haven't! Yet.
I do still weigh in at a very hefty/unhealthy 20st 6.5lbs though/ 9 stone over weight and feeling it. I figured if I could just tweak a few things about my diet then maybe this could continue and maybe I could finally start looking forward to a bit more positivity in my life. A baby? Maybe the confidence to go back to work? Make new friends? We'll see. Getting a little ahead of myself now.
My biggest issue is my inability to make new eating habits a part of my lifestyle. Especially when i am having a down day and struggling to keep C entertained as Suger, caffeine and fizzy drinks helps me through to the end of the day.
I have figured out though that both my figure and my mental health would benefit from some light, frequent, exercise so I am making a pledge that 3 times a week i go for a walk, on my own so I'm not stopping every few steps to deal with a tantrum or 3 - this isn't constructive exercise. Not the kind I need anyway. I need something to get my heart rate up. Pounding the pavement is quite literally what I need. This I shall start tomorrow. Lord give me the strength and energy to get through Day 1 ;)
Well it all went to pot after the first day when C spent a week in and out of Hospital with suspected Norovirus. Ugh. Anyway, somewhere in the last couple of weeks I have managed to lose 2.5lbs without trying. I only weighed myself to see if I had crept up to 21 stone yet but, thank the lord, I haven't! Yet.
I do still weigh in at a very hefty/unhealthy 20st 6.5lbs though/ 9 stone over weight and feeling it. I figured if I could just tweak a few things about my diet then maybe this could continue and maybe I could finally start looking forward to a bit more positivity in my life. A baby? Maybe the confidence to go back to work? Make new friends? We'll see. Getting a little ahead of myself now.
My biggest issue is my inability to make new eating habits a part of my lifestyle. Especially when i am having a down day and struggling to keep C entertained as Suger, caffeine and fizzy drinks helps me through to the end of the day.
I have figured out though that both my figure and my mental health would benefit from some light, frequent, exercise so I am making a pledge that 3 times a week i go for a walk, on my own so I'm not stopping every few steps to deal with a tantrum or 3 - this isn't constructive exercise. Not the kind I need anyway. I need something to get my heart rate up. Pounding the pavement is quite literally what I need. This I shall start tomorrow. Lord give me the strength and energy to get through Day 1 ;)
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