Sunday, 26 February 2012

And the Winner is.........

What a fab week it's been! I've had the chance to try out 3 different that doesn't even get released until March. I'm honoured, more about that later. Also seem to be able to focus on getting myself in shape a bit better ready for conception. I've added a little tracker to my iPod and my 2 study days a week when my Mother in Law has C for the day I am going to start my day with a fitness DVD and shower. Who knows maybe it will help me concentrate better!!

Anyway you want to know who is being given a gorgeous Lime Green Snap In from the wonderful people @ Tiny Nippers don't you!! Well there were quite a few entries, I also included the lady who was unable to comment on the blog but decided the winner should be............

Ellen Mackenzie

CONGRATULATIONS. I really hope you like your Tiny Nipper Snap In. We are really enjoying testing one out at the moment :D! Please could you email with your address please and your nappy will be sent to you ASAP.

The rest of you do not despair. The discount code BROODYNEWS is still valid for 10% off all purchases until the 3rd March and we also hope to have more giveaways soon.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Took a Trip to Boots...

    Got my swanky new boots advantage card in the post today, so took a trip out to stock up!

    This cycle is the cycle I have decided to try and get my act together a bit. I really want another baby but there are allot of walls blocking my way. I have been awaiting a root canal for 7 months and have been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen several times a day not realising just how bad the impact of these painkillers can be on a person!
    Ibuprofen can begin to effect your fertility if taken in the long term! I had no idea about this until the other day when I became rather ill and my Hubby was forced to take action. Googling and a phone call to the doctor it turns out both of these painkillers can cause serious side effects and eventually we found out that Ibuprofen could be causing quite alot of problems for me.
    I am gutted to say the least but on a positive not it can be reversed simply by not taking the Ibuprofen. Simple eh? Well actually it's not because I am in total agony however I have cut right back and getting through the day as best I can without it. Holding a warm hot water bottle to my face every now and again helps a bit. But I am determined to nip this in the bud ASAP. My root canal is finally on Tuesday. fingers crossed there is nothing to stop it from happening this time.

     In the meantime I've popped to boots and gotten some mum to be multivitamins. Sanatogen Pro Natal with Omega 3. Normally I just take one without the Omega 3 but I do recall switching and adding Omega 3 when we concieved C so I have decided to give it a go.  It's good for me either way. So can't complain. So thats 2 things off my list. Now the stuipdly high BMI wall. This is where the challange really begins...............

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Another Day.....another friend with a BFP!

       Me? The green eyed monster? NEVER! OK that's a lie because I really really am!! Terrible isn't it. Don't get me wrong I love that all my friends and Facebook acquaintance's are getting their BFP's (Big Fat Positive) I really do but i can't help but be a teeny bit envious especially when the say "it just happened" when you've been battling month after month for YEARS to create your family!

OK maybe I am actually a terrible person after all I don't really help myself do I?? Let's look at my mission as it stands
  • I forget constantly to take my pregnancy vitamins.
  • I eat far to much chocolate and other Junk
  • I'm horrifically overweight.
  • I rely far to much on caffeine to get me through the day.
OK that list could go on FOREVER so may as well just cut it down to the things I DO get right which is not smoking or drinking alcohol - which I've never done- so never really going to be an issue.

     The thing is I start each new cycle with some degree of optimism. I begin taking my multivitamins, eating well and getting my exercise DVD actually in the DVD player which is progress. I suppose. But It all get's very tedious very quickly. When your cycles can be anything from 35-80 days long your patience wears thin and even sex can become boring or turn into 'just doing it to get pregnant' which isn't really what it should be about - in my opinion.

And I know if I just shifted some of this weight it would make such a difference. Since last september I have lost and regained the same stone and a half THREE yes THREE times!! If I had just kept it off and kept going i might not be in this predicament and could actually be getting some help with TTC but alas - until I can get my BMI under 35 they won't touch me a barge pole (or any other kind of pole!) and as my BMI stands closer to the 45 mark I have really got some work to do. Initial will power and motivation I can do. But it only take one bad day to completely throw me off track! One chinese and I throw in the towel and tell myself to 'just except im fat and never going to have another baby'. I am my own worst enemy!!

I have no idea where I'm going with this. After all the only person who can help me is me. But I would love some tips and advice. Food needs to no longer be my best friend!! I have got to do something about the rather large behind of mine if I want that longed for BFP!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Tiny Nippers Snap-In Nappy GIVEAWAY!

Well Im busy trying to make the blog all pretty and get everything organised but I didn't want to leave you all waiting sooooo....

I have teamed up with the wonderful Tiny Nippers to give one lucky blog follower a gorgeous Lime Green Snap in Nappy. These gorgeous nappies are currently being well and truely tested out by CJ but whilst we're doing that YOU could have the chance to try one out too!!

We thought we'd start off with something easy so all you have to do is:

'Follow'  this blog! Then comment below to say you have done this.

'Like' Broody News Facebook Page. Then comment below to say you have done this.

'Like' Tiny Nippers Facebook Page. Then comment below to say you have done this.

'Share' This competition on your facebook wall. (it helps if it is set to public so i can see it!) And then comment below to say you have done this.

You can do one or all of the above. Each one you do gets you 1 entry into the draw apart from sharing which gets you 3 (so long as i am able to verify this of course). Please make sure your name is in each comment below. Each name will be given a number which will then be put into to choose the lucky recipient of a Tiny Nipper Snap in.

Entries will close at 7pm on Sunday 26th February 2012 and the winner announced as soon as possible!

Tiny Nippers have also been kind enough to give us a discount code/ Just use BROODYNEWS at the checkout for 10% off all purchases until 3rd March 2012.

Good Luck and Welcome to Broody News x