Monday, 31 December 2012

My achievements in 2012.

         So my achievements for 2012. When I started thinking about this blog post I was in quite a negative frame of mind and it was all to easy to reel off what I had wanted to achieve but didn't such as losing weight and conceiving our second baby. But when I really sat and thought about I had achieved a few things.

These are: Getting married back in January to my partner of now 6.5 yrs.
                      I began my degree with the Open University in February and completed   and passed my first module (K101) giving me a certificate in Health and Social Care.
                      I learned to make my own Yorkshire Puddings!!!

So I did actually achieve something this year. :D. Its all to easy to think about the bad things that happened, things that didn't go to plan or things we said we're going to do this year but didn't. Perhaps before we head off to our new years eve plans tonight we should take 5 minutest think of everything we have achieved this year and give ourselves a pat on the back.

My new years resolutions post will follow later.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. Did you have a good one? Ours was very busy. Mr M's Family is very big and it took nearly 3 hours to get round to visit everyone. Charlie was very overwhelmed by it all and opened a couple of presents at a time throughout the day. By the time we went to the in-laws for tea he was getting the hang of it all.

Charlie received a new bike from Santa as well as clothes books and a bucket of dinosaurs. I was lucky enough to receive a new kindle fire, which I happen to be writing this blog post on ;), and a video camera. So hopefully 2013 will have a few ' vlogs' as well as the usual blog posts. Hubby received and American food hamper (pictured top right) as well as socks and various other bits and Bob's.

Charlie did us proud though with trying to remind everyone that it was in fact Jesus' s birthday and we needed to have cake to celebrate.

I hope you all had a fab Christmas and so wish you all the happiest of new years. xxxr

Monday, 17 December 2012

Win a £5 love to shop voucher!

My little mischief maker!
OK so if you read my last blog post you'll know we're having issues. Especially with my husbands 'anti toys in the living room' attitude, which, I am learning to accept and may even beginning to agree with. The way it is at the moment is a bit depressing and it would be nicer if in the evening the toys weren't 'on show'.

So this Giveaway is just a quick one, the voucher is being provided by myself and it couldn't be easier to enter!

All you have to do is either comment here with a link to your favourite storage solution or post a pic on my facebook wall of what your Toy storage looks like in your home.

See, easy, and who couldn't do without an extra £5 this time of year?


The giveaway will close at 9.30am (UK time) on Thursday 20th December.
It is open to UK residents only.
Up to 3 entries per person allowed.
The voucher will be posted 1st class on Thursday.

Good luck everyone x

Saturday, 1 December 2012

and the winner is.......

Is everyone getting into the xmas sprit....and shopping? I am, Im expecting hubby's to be delivered today infact.
I have found it sooooo hard to choose gifts this year. Even for Charlie. He asked for a bike. So santas bringing him a bike but I have bought a few other bits I think he will like ;).

Anywho, we could all do with a bit of extra cash over Christmas couldn't we? And £10 to put towards new fluff is helpful is it not? has chosen a winner.....

Amy Louise T

If anyone knows Amy in real life or from a group please do give her a nudge and let her know. Amy please contact Tiny Nippers via email who are looking forward to giving you your code. You have 14 days to claim your prize before it gets redrawn. Hope you enjoy spending your prize.

Have a fab weekend everybody. Do keep your eye out for more giveaways :D

Friday, 23 November 2012

Mumma and selfish as you get!!!

Of all the crazy contraptions I have ever seen this has got to have topped them all!

This 'product' has been designed by a woman - I would say mother but Im not sure she deserves the title- because she wanted a way of being able to do her hair and make up whilst her baby fed itself near by.

For someone longing for more babies, I find it incredibly sad to read about a 'product' that takes away a crucial part of the bonding process. If you choose or have to bottle feed taking 15 mins  minutes out a few times a day is surely no hardship?
I combined fed Charlie and i miss feeding cuddles ALOT. He drinks out of a cup now and has since we took his bottles away at 2. I miss the cuddles and warmth and eye contact. they grow up so so quickly :'(

It doesnt just take away from the bonding but is, from what I can see an incredible choking hazard and what about winding? And is this 'mother' actually watching the baby? Whats to stop her from jumping in the shower? popping to answer the door? running to answer the door. Something terrible could happen in those few seconds :'( It really doesn't bear thinking about.

If I get chance to find out more and follow up I will. I would live to hear your opinions for and against this thing.

Amazon Black Friday/ Christmas Offers

Amazon of course has some fabulous Black Friday and Christmas offers. There are lots of baby and toddler toys at fab prices but theres not great deals just for the children. There are hundreds of offers for EVERYONE. Be Quick though some have time limits!!!

Baba Me Black Friday/Christmas Offer.

Here's Some Offers Not To Be Missed!

It's Black Friday and I'm going to post some of my favourite offers of the day!

First Up is Baba Toys with a fab 20% off Discount using code BLACKFRIDAY. If you have little ones and are stuck for idea's for Christmas your bound to find something from Baba Toys that the kids will love.

Please note that the discount code cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and is only available whilst stocks last. So I am assuming that means there's not much left so I would get your orders in fast. Check out the Bath time buddies at the bottom of the page for an ideal and affordable stocking filler offer.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Countdown to Christmas....Advent Calendars

          I loved advent Calendar when I was a child. I would be luck if mine actually made it to Christmas with a little sister intent on eating everyone's! So glad she's grown out of that!

         This year we'll probably be sticking with a chocolate calender. It's the first year that Charlie has shown any interest in all things christmassy. But chocolate ones are not the only ones on the market.......

The Budget Calendar

Ahhhh Kinnerton. The provider of Advent Calenders for the most modest of Budgets available in a variety of character themes for just £1.50. This one in particular I spotted in Asda. Now whilst the character themes are great and they obviously appeal to children the chocolate is just awful! We let Charlie have a Thomas the Tank Engine version last year but he was interested so I thought I'd help him eat the calender. We got to Christmas day with 15 chocolates still in it because it was just....well lets say not the nicest I have tried!! So this year we'll be steering away from this particular brand but if you are on a small budget it is and ideal calender price wise.

The Cadbury Advent Calender
This is a very modest pricing of just £2, available in most supermarkets
including Sainbury's. Cadbury's makes amazing milk chocolate in my opinion.  I love their calenders and It is the one I usually go for.
Yes even at 23 I still have an advent Calender. What can I say I love Christmas. It's my favourite time of the year. And Cadbury's, for me, makes it! I love that Santa is usually the main feature and I love that the chocolate is as amazing as it always is. And the plastic tray inside can be used to make painted Christmas decorations or you own christmassy chocolate treats., this year I'll be keeping  mine to use for crafty things to do with Charlie next year.
Slightly More Cash......?  
Thornton's! Who doesn't love Thornton's?  Well I do, but given our current mission to pay off our debt and conceive another baby hubby said no to a personalised Thorn tons Calender this year but maybe next? Who knows? This particular one pictured was £5.99 when I originally sore it however i can no longer see it on their site but they may have it instore? They have others starting at £3.99. If nothing else you know alot of love has gone into making this chocolate. Thornton;s love what they do!

I wish I had enough cash for......!
I wish wish wish I had enough cash for this particular Advent Calendar. It's the ultimate in luxury way to countdown to Christmas...In my opinion. It's the Liz Earle 24 Days of Christmas Calendar. *Drools*. If only. If you do happen to have £100 lying around and fancy treating yourself or a loved one I highly recommend Liz Earle products. There are lots of Gift ideas on their website and it is one of the nicest skincare ranges I had the privilege of using.....when I worked full time ;). My mum usually gets me a mini kit for Christmas and I spend most of the day sniffing the Instant Boost Skin Tonic. Of all the natural products I have tried Liz Earle comes out on top!. Maybe one day I'll do a blog post just about these gorgeous products.   

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Tiny Nippers £10 Voucher Giveaway

 Tiny Nipper £10 Voucher Giveaway
       It's been a while since I hosted a giveaway. Life has been so busy this year with Charlie being 2 and finding his legs and voice properly ;) and starting to study for my degree I haven't had much time to do reviews and giveaways. I do have some things which i have been asked to review however they all require me to either be pregnant. (I have been sent 2 different brands of 'gender prediction' tests to review for example. One I was sent when i was last pregnant but was unable to do it for obvious reasons :(. Very much looking forward to reviewing them but I need to actually be pregnant first!)
      So in the meantime I sought to find a giveaway I know most of my readers would like and Tiny Nippers sprang to mind. They agreed and even doubled the voucher value I hinted for :O. So kind.
      A little bit of background. Tiny Nippers have been around for almost two year now. I started purchasing cloth nappies from them pretty much right from the start. At a time when my son was very young and cloth nappies scared me a bit and the thought of paying £15 for one cloth nappy that might not work Tiny Nippers allowed me to create a stash of cloth nappies without breaking the bank and also came in much funkier prints than the nappies everyone seemed to be paying 3 times as much for. ( The shorthand for the brand I am talking about is BG, you may or may not know what I am on about!)
     Tiny Nippers have moved on alot since I originally started buying from them. They have gone on to create their very own  Snap In and Aplix ranges. I love both. I loved snap in's for the car for Charlie and although I never got to try the Aplix on him the quality of them is amazing and I have very high hopes for them. I have 2 froggies and a white one of the Aplix and I cannot wait to try them out. They also stock Newborn nappies and boosters and wetbags - literally everything you'll need to get started or bulk out your stash.
    Tiny Nippers is ran by a lovely couple. I find them very approachable and their customer service is awesome compared to some other similar companies I have tried to buy from in the past. I highly recommend Tiny Nippers for your Cloth nappying needs, now, shall we get on with the giveaway?
All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is:
 'Follow' this blog! Then comment below to say you have done this.

'Like' Broody News Facebook Page. Then comment below to say you have done this.

'Like' Tiny Nippers Facebook Page. Then comment below to say you have done this.

'Share' This competition on your facebook wall. (it helps if it is set to public so i can see it!) And then comment below to say you have done this.

You can do one or all of the above. Each one you do gets you 1 entry into the draw apart from sharing which gets you 3 (so long as I am able to verify this of course). Please make sure your name is in each comment below. Each name will be given a number which will then be put into to choose the lucky recipient of the £10 voucher.
Good Luck Everyone!
Terms and Conditions.
Entries will close at 7pm Friday 30th November. The voucher is valid for orders over £10 and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The £10 excludes p&p. You may put the vouchers towards anything you like on the site so long as your basket total before postage is £10 or above. The winner will be asked to contact Tiny Nippers directly to be given there voucher which will be in the form of a code emailed to the lucky recipient. If you decide you want to give the voucher as a gift you must discuss this with Tiny Nippers directly. The £10 code can only be used once.


Sunday, 28 October 2012

Catch up with Charlie.

Well just before half term Charlie got struck down with the dreaded tonsillitis :(. It landed him in hospital and was an awful experience, especially for him.

He is much better now which is great and meant we got to do a few things holiday. He's at an age now where he is very bossy ;) and likes to be on the go constantly.

So this week we have done his favourite activity of going to feed the ducks several times, and we also have done lots of arts and crafts but I think his favourite activity was baking and decorating cakes for nanny.

He's going to be 3 in December! I cannot believe it, the last 3 years have flown by. You'll be seeing more of him over the next few weeks as we attempt to potty train (again! Oh the joys of regression) and wean him off his beloved dummies so they are not in his mouth constantly- just bedtime. Or maybe Santa will take them away for good? Who knows!

See you soon

I'm still here.....

Octobers been a busy month. Still no pregnancy :(. But this month I did sit an exam for Uni, not feeling very confident about it to be honest! On a brighter note hubby has managed to find a new job, it's only 24 hours a week but it's something and means we won't need to go on benefits now- things can pretty much carry on as normal. And it means xmas won't have to be cancelled, phew.

Little man is back at play school this week so hopefully I'll be able to get back into a routine and blog more frequently. Maybe even set up a little competition/giveaway ;) x

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

2 Weeks until My Exam.

       My little man is at play school and I'm sat here, supposed to be revising, but the abundance of information is frazzling my brain. I am SO nervous about the exam as it will give me a Certificate in Health and Social Care - equivalent to a Level 4 NVQ. Which is the first stp in my degree.

      I'm not great with exams. I sat through most of my GCSE exams in silent tears. I got good grades in my coursework, as I have done in my TMA's for my current module, but exams fail me. Literally. It's been such a hard year I'm not sure how I will feel if I fail to be honest.
     So if anyone want to come chat about Maslows hierarchy of needs or Bevridge etc feel free to pop by my facebook page and let me know a random fact! ;)

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Little Chef, Redundancy and First Year Exams

It's been an horrific few weeks since we got back from our trip to Butlins. I was really ill with acute tonsillitis which I am still suffering with now, heading into week 4! I have been "trying" to revise for my K101 Open University exam which seems near in impossible when it depends on everything and you could be asked ANYTHING from the 9 months work you've done previous.
Not only this but a few days after we got back hubby receives a letter from his HR department (or rather what's left of it!) summoning him to a meeting - which turned out would infact hold all members of staff from his site. They got told that the site was unprofitable. Well duh! I could have told them that 4 years ago when I worked there, the place was in desperate need of a revamp and catch up with the times, but it would appear Little Chef are as scared of change as my husband. So they feel it's easier to just rip everyone of their income and bulldoze the site , literally leaving families with no way to butter their bread.

Try as he might my hubby didn't manage to find another job before his week left at Little Chef was up. He has spent the last 8/9 years working his way up the company, doing stuff he didn't get paid for, to try to impress and be given better prospects by a company that would soon stab him in the back. He has been left a little solemn at the prospect of having to start at the bottom again after years of hard work and working 60 hour weeks that he didn't get paid for because, let's face it, Little Chef have been struggling for years and even a Celebrity (?) Chef couldn't bring them back from their pre war state.
Despite his current "depression" over his loss and despite the fact we've been left up a creek where finances are concerned, his family and I are secretly glad this has happened as he now has the opportunity to find something he loves within a company which will appreciate his efforts and willingness to work harder than most to get to the top.
So as of tomorrow he is going to be around quite a bit. So think we'll be taking the opportunity to gut the house and for me to get some extra revision done. I'll let you know what it's like having him home full time in my next blog post.

PS. This also means that TTC has had to temporarily be put on the back burner. Perhaps this is the bit that's upsetting me most ;). It was also 2 years since my last miscarraige on Wednesday which was a particularly hard day. But onwards and upwards. Wish me luck in passing my exam in the 16th October and maybe I can go back to work instead.....something to think about.....

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Back from our hols :)

Did you miss me? Probably not ;). But we had a wonderful time at Butlins despite me and CJ being full of cold :(. We did lots of things, swimming, walking, eating ;).
CJ loved meeting characters such as Barney and Fireman Sam and even had some pictures taken with them.

As for TTC. I'm currently on cycle day 24 and as of yet no +OPK. I did start temping this cycle but forgot to take it all away with me and now cannot find my thermometer. So I guess I'll have to re invest in another.

I think that's all for now. Wish I had more news but there's not much going on at the moment. :)

Ooo I lie. Little man started playgroup just before we went away and is really looking forward to going back next week. Here he is on his way to playgroup on his first day. X

Friday, 24 August 2012

Doctors visit 1-PCOS

This didn't go well at all. I thought by seeing a female doctor she would be sympathetic to the pain I suffer during my cycle, especially when the beloved (hmmm) Aunt Flo is actually here!
I sat down in this doctors office and explained about how things have been since my miscarriage nearly two years ago and how erratic things have been- and that I was on cycle day 73 and would like something to bring on my period as we have our first (it's technically our second but we were all I'll the first time so it was ruined) family holiday together and I don't want to spend the week in bed with AF and being unable to swim!
She had a moan about my weight, didn't actually weigh me just judged me on appearance, didn't take any blood or check my blood pressure just said '' I suspect you have PCOS, if you won't go back on the pill there's nothing I can do to help you!'' so she wrote me a prescription for something that would apparently lessen the flow of my period and I left, in tears, to a very bemused mother in law who, once she had listened to what had happened looked like she was going to blow a gasket.

So this leaves me with quite a jumbled mass of 'well have I got PCOS? Do I need tests? medication? Scans?.' so now I wait for Monday to roll round to make an appointment with my usual doctor. Because, although he's a bloke, I think he will listen and arrange a few tests to find out if this is true.

In the meantime I'm trying to find out as much info as I can. If anyone has any info on PCOS that they'd like to share with me please feel free to leave a comment below.
Love and huggles
Broody x

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Quick Update!

Tomorrow I'm off to see another doctor about my cycle 'issues', a female doctor this time, to see what she has to say about it. Im currently cycle day 72. I have a funny feeling i may actually have finally ovlated sunday but who knows! Hubby was ill so even if I was I didn't get chance to 'try' :(.

Currently writing my final essay for K101, then that just leaves lots of revision and the 3 hours painstaking exam. The end is in sight!

Our family holiday is just over 2 weeks away now. Very excited. It's going to be sooo good to get away from here, just us 3, for a few days!

Anyhoo I'll let you all know what the doctor said tomorrow!

Chow for now xxx

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Getting worried...

Sorry that my posts have been infrequent lately. Lots going on at home with one thing or another.
Anyway, I've decided to book myself in with a doctor ASAP. I'm fed up with my cycles now, my cycles so far this year have been 52,53,55 and so far cycle 4 has been 62 days long and have had cramps now for over 2 weeks so lord knows what's going on! Next month it will be 2 years since I lost my last baby and last year I only had 6 cycles and this year looks to be much the same. Something's not right. Time to face the music. I will be seeing a different doctor than usual though as my usual GP just says its my weight, which of course it may well be, but I want a second opinion. Wish me look. I'll be ringing first thing tomorrow so I'll let you know when my appointment is etc. speak soon x

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

I'm Back

Hey everyone,

I have not been around now for sometime. I have been rather unwell suffering with depression but I have had lots of help and am now almost back on top form and getting back to my normal routines. One thing I want more than anything, as you know, is another addition to our family. However I currently have a BMI of 45 and so my desires for another baby are more a distant dream for now. On the plus side though I rejoined slimming world 5 weeks ago to help get some of this weight shifted. It's been rather slow going, I'm the first to admit that the last 2-3 weeks especially I have not given the diet my all. But you can read more about my weightloss journey here if you would like.

It's also with a heavy heart I write about another mummy blogger being rather poorly. Poor Multiple Mummy is currently in hospital and I just wanted to Say she is in my thoughts and I hope she gets well really soon.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

FM Giveaway Winner!!

Sorry there has been a major delay in announcing the winner for this giveaway. Has been one of those weeks. Anyway - I am loving working for FM, trying new things, rebuilding my confidence and the products are super lovely and the perfumes smell great. I'm growing quite a collection.

I am currently growing my own little team, they are doing well and loving making there own bit of money whilst staying at home after redundancy and so they can stay home with the kids. Just a quick note to say if anyone would like to become a distributor or would even just like to open a prefered customer account and buy for yourself friends and family at a discount of up to 33% then do not hesitate to contact me! It is a great way of getting everyone sorted for Christmas and could save you a fortune. just email me at yourfm@hotmail (minus gap) and I will send you the info over.

Anyways I popped the numbers 1-4 into this morning (finally) and it has chosen number 3 for our winner who is


Chas please contact me and let me know wether you would prefer shower gel/bath salts and which fragrance you would prefer. There is Vanilla, Peach, Cherry Blossom, Verbena and if you choose shower gel you have the additional choice of  Patchouli.

Please use the message button on my Facebook page to let me know your choice and your address. You will also recieve an exclusive discount voucher with your prize!

Congratulations. :D. and to everyone who joined in but didn't win if you too would like an exclusive discount please email me at the above address quoting broody news and I will respond with your discount :D x

Monday, 4 June 2012

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's back to work I go! :) AND GIVEAWAY!!!!!

OK so I have now been off work with the little one since I was 29 weeks pregnant! Money over the last couple of years has grown tighter and tighter especially as the the last couple of Christmases we have STUPIDLY put stuff on credit so's not to leave anyone out. This is not something I would recommend to anyone!

A few weeks back a lovely friend of mine sent me a handful of perfume samples to cheer me up! I have been using them. Thinking Oh these are lovely. Bet they are expensive, can't really ask her for more samples can I that's a bit sad, Don't really have a spare £30 lying around for perfume right now but how I wish I could stretch to something for hubby for Fathers day.

Well I emailed her telling him his favourite and did she have anything that may smell similar and how much would it be! I nearly fell ff my seat when she said that she DID have something that may smell similar and it was only £11.99 for a bottle.

I went on to email her and ask about what it was exactly that she sold. She went on to tell me about FM and everything they did and sold etc etc and asked if I would like join her team. I ummed and arrrd for Days. But on Sunday I went and took the plunge.

:D :D :D :D

Now here's the deal. I want to do something exclusively for my lovely blog members. Yes guys this offer coming up is Just for YOU and YOUR friends ONLY!!

To be entered into our draw for our a Gorgeous bottle of Bath Salts (RRP £6.80) in either Verbena, Peach, Cherry Blossom or Vanilla simply pop over to my new page and 'Like' it and 'share' one of my current offers 'publicly' (so i can see you've done it :D) and then pop back and comment below to let me know you've done it. Each 'like' and 'share' will get you 5 entries. Entries will close at midnight on the 29th June 2012 and I will do the Draw the next day!
This is open to UK mainland residents only. Please leave some way of contacting you!

Remember this is for Broody News readers only! So like the page and share a post but shhhhhh. xx

*update* I realised this morning not everyone has a bath! So if you win and would prefer a shower gel instead let me know :) x

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Not so silent Sunday!

Not a good start 3lbs on :(. Had a terrible week food wise. Hopefully next week I will have lost something...and i will actually be silent.This pic has definitely gave me the slap in the face I needed!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Eco Egg Product Review!

       Finally getting to write up my review of my Eco Egg trial. I must have been using this for around a month now and I'm just loving this product. I, like many of you out there's have my doubts when it comes to Eco friendly products, will they work like what I'm used to? is it going to be more expensive? Does it really clean to the same level as it's chemical filled equivalent? Well in this instance YES, yes it really does.
      In my struggle to try to conceive I have considered many factors that might me getting in our way. My weight is a HUGE one (if you'll excuse the pun), but so is lifestyle and the things we use to clean our home can play a huge factor. The chemicals we breathe in and get absorbed through our skin, who to say they are not also playing a big part in this battle for baby no2?
      My search for products that would leave my my house clean but without the effects on my health like a radioactive chemical plant (No one, NO ONE will be taking my toilet bleach off me by the way so don't try it!) led me to this wonderful product. Well actually this particular search began after a lady mentioned it in a cloth nappy group I'm a part of...I googled immediately. Emailing the owner who sent one to me the very next day :O. I squealed when I got home to find my Eco Egg had been delivered whilst I was out.

And right to squeal I was:
Contents of the box.

Here is a picture of the contents in the box, looks scary but you don't use it all in one go.
I got it all open, took a few pics of course, put it together following the instruction, these newer models are very simple to open - No more 50p's needed. I got it all set up and got a wash straight on(I had already 'detoxed' my machine prior to its arrival) a normal wash at 40 degrees and all was well the with the world, then I had to try a 'daily wash' at 30 degrees just to test this product to the max.
Both times the laundry came out clean and fresh! I tumble dried it because of the bad weather but I loved how soft and fluffy everything was despite not using comfort even though we live in a REALLY hard water area!

The next day I had to step things up a notch. Do I purposefully gave C tomato soup from a well known brand which I know will stain anything that it comes into contact with. So there we are having our soup when I attack wipe C's mouth with one of his white vests.

Excuse it's crinklyness. but there is the self inflicted tomato soup stain that I created. I popped this in with a few other bits and the egg and washed on a daily (quick) wash at 30 degrees. Brave eh? Well here is the results.

Not bad eh? and the rest of that stain sunned right out. I think we can safely say that this product works just as great as any other product out there but its chemical free, doesn't cause C's eczema to flare up , also it is super cheap.

You can buy these eggs for just under £20. Don't pass out because that £20 egg is going to see you through 720 loads of washing- that's 3 YEARS worth of detergent for the average family doing 5 loads of washing a week saving you on average over £200. And the come in 3 fragrances, fragrance Free (fabulous for those, like my nan, who are sensitive to perfumes), Soft Cotton and Spring Blossom. They are also safe to use with your favourite fabric softener if you do like that strong perfume smell. Bonus!

These eggs could save you Lot's of £££'s and are so much better for the environment. Why not treat your family to one and see how much you can save whilst doing your bit to save the planet without even thinking about it. Eco egg Limited are also bringing out Dryer eggs soon. Cutting tumble drying time down by up to 28%. I cannot wait for these.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

"It's Orange Week!" using code names takes off pressure?

We have been TTC now since Sept '10. You know if you've been reading my blog so far it's been quite a challenge involving lots of tears and struggles but this month, something is a little different.
Where trying for a baby is concerned things seem a little more relaxed and Mr M certainly seems a little more 'up for it' this cycle.
Conversations about trying have slowed down almost to a holt and I try not to say anything unless he brings it up. Which he does.....ocassionaly.
I use this APP on my iPod called My Monthly Cycles which I have been using this year to help me keep track since my cycles can vary in length but this month it's really come in handy.
      On Saturday it dawned on me that Ovulation wasn't far away and as I had ran out of OPKs (ovulation predictor kit) I needed a way of telling Mr M that we needed to up our game without causing him to him to think 'oh no, I have an exhausting week of pressure ahead of me'. So on Saturday (last week not yesterday) I simply said to him "it's Orange week next week", I had the app open on the homepage, he took it off me, nodded and so the past week we've been 'active' without the usual pressures!
       As of today we're in the 2 week wait! So do wish us luck. Obviously I will keep you updated. Feel free to share you TTC journeys with us below if you have something to share you feel may help all those trying for long awaited babies all over the world :)

Silent Sunday Cancelled.

Well it looks as if either my scales do not want to work or the battery's have ran out and I have no spares so sadly weigh in will be cancelled for today and I'll continue next week. Got lots of blogging to catch up on anyways.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Nappy of The Month....May

I had 2 Nappies sent to me this month but this one I bought for myself. This is the Bambino Mio Mio Solo and what a wonderful step up from their equally wonderful 2 part system the Mio Solo is.

I have a box of the part part system in my attic (I must have about 30 prefolds. woops) awaiting the conception and arrival of baby number 2 but for C, now he is bigger and potty training these Mio Solo nappies are just perfect for him. He has grown out of many of his one size nappies now but the Mio Solo still has lots of room and doesn't leave marks on his hips as it is done up with velcro rather than snaps. I love popper/snaps but am re falling in love with aplix/velcro fastening too. So much choice you can't go wrong.

So this is how the nappy held up for us.
Key Tests: Washing - Wash at 40 with your other nappies.
                  Drying time- Airier - 14 hours/overnight
                                         By radiator - 10 hours tops.
                                         Line Drying - Not tested.
Absorbency- Great after just 1 wash. I used with 1 bamboo booster and no problems at all. Doesn't require lots of pre washing saving lots of pennies.
                   Pooplosion containment - brilliant. I used this with a Bambino Mio paper liner and it was really easy to deal with the mess when C was a little under the weather.
                   Fit -  I actually can't fault it at the moment. For older toddlers I am going to say its perfect. I look forward to trying it out on an infant hopefully in the not to distant future!

Something else I loved about the nappy was this little flap you can see in the picture. I have never seen it in an all in one before and it made putting boosters in a breeze. The Mio Solo really is a fabulous addition to the Bambino Mio range. I wish I had more of these. I really do. You can try them out for yourself by purchasing them here.

Have you entered the Bambino Mio Big One five competition celebrating their 15th Birthday? Well get over to their Facebook page and join in the prizes are AMAZING!

Pic of prizes for the big 15 comp on Bambino Mio Facebook page!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Somewhere I've lost 2.5lb!

     You may remember my second measly attempt at slimming world of the year a couple of weeks back.
     Well it all went to pot after the first day when C spent a week in and out of Hospital with suspected Norovirus. Ugh. Anyway, somewhere in the last couple of weeks I have managed to lose 2.5lbs without trying. I only weighed myself to see if I had crept up to 21 stone yet but, thank the lord, I haven't! Yet.
     I do still weigh in at a very hefty/unhealthy 20st 6.5lbs though/ 9 stone over weight and feeling it. I figured if I could just tweak a few things about my diet then maybe this could continue and maybe I could finally start looking forward to a bit more positivity in my life. A baby? Maybe the confidence to go back to work? Make new friends? We'll see. Getting a little ahead of myself now.
    My biggest issue is my inability to make new eating habits a part of my lifestyle. Especially when i am having a down day and struggling to keep C entertained as Suger, caffeine and fizzy drinks helps me through to the end of the day.
    I have figured out though that both my figure and my mental health would benefit from some light, frequent, exercise so I am making a pledge that 3 times a week i go for a walk, on my own so I'm not stopping every few steps to deal with a tantrum or 3 - this isn't constructive exercise. Not the kind I need anyway. I need something to get my heart rate up. Pounding the pavement is quite literally what I need. This I shall start tomorrow. Lord give me the strength and energy to get through Day 1 ;)

Monday, 30 April 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful ~ Week #1

Keeping it Old School!

This is my first time joining in #R2BC. After seeing it tweeted and blogged about previously I never really thought about doing it myself, just that it was nice all these mummies had so much to be cheerful about.

Well I am taking the plunge and joining in Mummy from the Heart 's quest to spread the positivity around.

As my TTC journey continues on into month 20 I find myself often consumed by the negativity and sadness I come across during this time that I forget to look at all the R2BC around me. Although I join in and act as happy as I can around my family so they don't have to know the heartache I feel inside everyday, I don't really take everything in. C has made so many acomplishments lately and they are kinda just passing me by. This has got to STOP!

So my reasons for being cheerful during this week are

  1. I handed in my second essay for my Uni course, I felt great and got to enjoy my 23rd birthday without an essay hanging over my head!
  2. C's speach is just amazing now. We can have proper conversations and he just cracks us up.
  3. Mr M and Ireached the 3 months married milestone. It's flown by. Won't be long before we have been married a year :D
So, if these count, these are my 3 reasons for being cheerful. :D

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Infertility Week 22nd-28th April

See that picture? Well that is one of my ovulation tests from last month (and yes I did thoroughly clean my keyboard after I realised that probably wasn't the best place to put it to take a picture). I have done hundreds of these tests over the years. The only time I have ever had what I would call a definite positive is the one I did when we conceived our last baby, whom I lost at 10 weeks in Sept 2010. Other than that they have always been 'almost' positive but not quite there! Frustrating to say the least but testing for your LH surge is a little trickier than a pregnancy test as its all about timing. It's a rather small window and I have tried every way described on the the Internet....I've still only ever had the one positive.
This month I have invested in a branded ovulation test kit that I had recommend to me by a friend. It's in some hope that it will be easier to read and hopefully give us a better indication to ovulation.
Neither Mr M nor I have any known fertility issues, we have after all conceived naturally together 4 times, it just doesn't always end in a healthy baby apart from C who was born Dec 09.
The only thing that doctors seem to think is holding us back is our weight. We are both overweight. Neither of us smoke or drink EVER and have no other health issues that could effect our fertility so it must just be the one to many Chinese's we've Eaten over the years!
This month we're cutting back on the sat fats, using what I hope is a more reliable ovulation predictor kit, taking our supplements and notching up a gear on the exercise!
My heart goes out to couples who go through the heartache of being told they cannot conceive naturally with each other for whatever reason. I have friends who have gone through IVF and other means of conceiving their much wanted babies. It's an emotional roller coaster on a whole other level to the one I go through each cycle, despite my previous losses.
Good look to everyone trying to conceive during infertility week and here after. I hope you get your much wanted babies soon.

Happy humping ;)

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Bedtime Stories -David Walliams should stick to Comedy!

        Little C has bed shared with me practically since birth.
         By the time C was about 14 months old we decided we should take the sides off his cot bed and try him in that - even if he just stayed there for a couple of hours in the evening so we could have a bit of 'couple' time again it would be a bonus. IT WORKED!!
        We took his cot into his room (It had been up against our bed for many months with one side off up until this point so that Mr M could sleep with us if he wanted to), we took the other side off and pushed it us against the wall. We put a little Ikea sofa up against the head of his bed so that I could sit with him until he fell asleep. It didn't take long for him to get used to it. In fact we cracked it on the first night. I basically read him a story, a Disney one if I remember rightly, and he went off to sleep. Until this day 99% f the time this is where he sleeps from 7pm until 10-11pm when I take him into bed with me. Some night we have several waking in that time, sometimes we have none. Either way reading him to sleep has worked wonders for us and given Mr M and i a bit of time back to ourselves.
         At first I started with Disney books but after a while they got boring. and turning the page whilst holding a book and a light one handed (C holds my hand to fall asleep. Always has done, I'm like his own human comforter.) is a little tricky so i decided to progress onto longer books with more than 6 words to a page. This has worked wonders for us. I have read to him the entire works of Roald Dahl and recently read to him the first Harry Potter book. All went down a storm. Until a couple of nights ago when I started to read to him Mr Stink by David Walliams. It is awful. I think so, C definitely thinks so and I'm not sure Mr M thinks much of it either since C has played up so much since I started reading it we simply haven't seen each other the last couple of night.
       David Walliams is no writer, not for children's books at least. The inconsistent storyline, the boring language with it's occasional 'big word' thrown in for good measure make for a dull and frustrating read. Do not be disillusioned by the fact he has been lucky enough to rope in Quentin Blake - David is No Roald Dahl. Not by a long shot. Normally C finds story time soothing and is asleep within 20 minutes. Not last night the night before over an hour of him bouncing on the bed cross legged asking to go back downstairs, I gave up and went back to to reading the Harry Potter we had already finished the night before - 10 minutes later he was fast asleep. Last night Over an hour and a half after bedtime he was still bouncing cross legged on the bed, saying ''no more story now'' and Mr M took over with Harry Potter, again 10 minutes later it was asleep.
       I have no idea what it is about the book he doesn't like! He's two so it's not like he can tell me just yet but I think it has a lot to do with the stopping and starting. I find myself having to retrace my steps and reading back a page because there just does not seem to be any logical plot developing. There's no excitement, just drivel. It's downright boring and not a pleasure to read at all. In fact I even begrudge paying the measly £4 I did for it!
      I sincerely wish David Walliams all the luck in the world of becoming a successful children's writer if that's what he wants to do. His name is the only thing selling these books though. They do not compare to the working of Roald Dahl or J.K Rowling and I despise the fact that The Times have compared these books to those of a great writer such as Roald Dahl. I have to question if the person who quoted so had even read these books? Who knows.
      Whoever said money can't buy you everything was lying. It can, it can get you books published when they have no place on the shelves next to those who really know how to relax and inspire children before bed or any other time of the day. Thankfully our next copy of Harry potter has arrived today and I thoroughly look forward to reading something that flows and helps get C off to sleep whilst keeping me entertained. Good Luck David, I think your going to need it!

Getting costs down!

I do not even know where to start with this one.

     Last week we received our Gas and Electricity statement for the last 12 months. I nearly fainted to see that each month every month for the last year we have spent just over £50 a month on each. £1,234.80 for both combined. Now
     I expect, realistically, that this isn't THAT much but for a family of 3 on a tight budget it is quite alot! I know that I use my tumble dryer far to much, have the heating when I feel like it and am just generally a bit slack on trying to keep costs down.
      I am now making it my mission to cut this bill by about £250 across the next year. By this time next year I would like to see that we have topped up our meters with less than £1000. It's a big jump. But I think if I am clever I can do it! So lots of things I need to try out.

  • I already use energy saving light bulbs. We just need to keep the light off when we don't need them.
  • Use the tumble dryer ALOT less.
  • Stop doing washing in the evening. I often do a load in the evening. It washes and I'm so wrapped up in uni work or watching the soaps (I know, terrible person) I often forget to take it out to dry. This usually means me re-washing it in the morning wasting electricity, water and detergents.
  • I do the same with the kettle. I switch it on, get distracted and often forget I ever wanted a hot drink.
  • Showering quicker. May have to consider shaving my legs the old fashioned towel on the floor/sink with water - kind of way. I expect over the course of the year this will save a bit on Electricity, gas and water as it will cut down my showering time by a minute or two.
I am sure there are lots of other ways I could save money on my utility bills. If you have any hints and tips feel free to comment below.

Friday, 20 April 2012

And the winner is...............

Such a busy week for all cloth nappy businesses this week! Lots of sharing with friends and spreading the word of how easy it can be to get started and use cloth nappies saving you lot's of pennies and hopefully the environment in the long run.

Did you grab any bargains this week? Lots of fluffy post being hidden from husbands I presume? Oh yes I am amongst you aswell don't you worry I can keep a secret ;)

Anyway........There were ALOT of entries and for some reason I decided to write out a list of numbers and write everyones name next to them.........I think next time I may type it. Ouchies.

The winner of the gorgeous snap in in a colour of your choice is..............

Rhiannon Turner

Well done to you :D. Please email and let them know we sent you to choose your snap in and of course let them know your postal address.

There are still lots f nappy offers going on so do not despair. The Snap ins are currently 20% off so visit and take advantage now!

Monday, 16 April 2012

#RNW2012 FREE Tiny Nippers Snap In Competition!

Not so long ago we gave away a Tiny Nippers Snap In Nappy in a gorgeous Lime Green colour.

This week is Real Nappy Week and Tiny Nippers have Kindly said we can give away another Snap In in YOUR choice of colour (So long as that colour is still in stock).

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is answer this simple question:

Tiny Nippers have just launched a brand new range of affordable pocket nappies which we helped them name. What is the name of this new range?

You can find the answer by reading our previous blog post or popping over to the Tiny Nippers Facebook page and having a little nosey!

You can also gain extra entries by following this blog, liking our Facebook page, tweeting us @BroodyNews and also by sharing this competition on your Facebook page or by tweeting it. Each of these will give you one extra entry.

Please comment leaving your answer and letting us know what 'extras' you did. You do not need a google account to do this you can do this anonymously but please do leave a name!

The Competition will close on Friday the 20th of April and drawn using as soon after 7pm as possible.

Don't miss out on all the lovely offers that Tiny Nippers have to offer During Real Nappy Week including 20% off snap in nappies and other nappies starting from £3.50! As well as gorgeous accessories.

Please Note although Tiny Nippers Post all ver the world this competition is open to UK residents ONLY

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Are you ready for real nappy week?

Real Nappy Week starts tomorrow and I'm very excited about it.
It's the week in the year when starting out in cloth or adding to your stash becomes even more affordable. Everywhere you can get cloth nappies has discounts and giveaways in this week dedicated to the fluff!

We will be hosting our own giveaway courtesy of the wonderful owners of Tiny Nippers, we will be giving away. 1 of their wonderfully fluffy snap in nappies. Also available with 20% off during #RNW2012.
This week has already seen the launch of Tiny Nippers 'tabbies' range (which we gave a little help in choosing) and I for one will be keeping an eye on their Facebook page to see what other discounts and possible giveaways they might have up their sleeve!

Keep popping back so you don't miss out in our giveaway!

Happy fluffy shopping :D

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Nappy of the Month....April

        I got to try out a couple of lovely nappies this month, making it really hard to choose a winner for this month but the winner for this month REALLY genuinely deserves the crown. Little C and I were given the opportunity to test out a nappy we had never ever tried out before. A Grovia - Hybrid AI2 (All in 2). These nappies are AMAZING beyong works for their ease of use, reliability, fit and containment.
We got off to quite a slow start as C decided to poop in his new Grovia minutes after having it on the first few times of wear. I took this as a seal of approval.
        The Hybrid is made of of a Shell and interchangeable inserts which snap in and out allowing you to use the shell for more than one change so long as it isn't wet or soiled. Here is the inside of a Grovia:-

This fit my 27 month old really well despite him having just gone over the other end of the weight range! This really impressed me along with it's ability to cope with anything including having tomato soup spilt on it during lunch - thankfully it washed right out. It has a lovely fit around the legs and also goes down really small so there's a chance you could use these in hospital straight after having your baby using the compostable bio liners you can also get to use in the shells - yes Grovia have seriously thought of EVERYTHING when making these. Right down to having laundry tabs on the aplix range.
Key Tests: Washing - Wash at 40 for Shells and 40 or 60 degrees for the soakers
                  Drying time- Airer - Shells 60-90 minutes Soakers Overnight/ 16-18 hours
                                         By radiator - (Soakers) Overnight/ 12-14 hours
                                         Line Drying -(Soakers) Out in sunshine for appx 8 hours.                                           Tumble Drying - 50- 70 mins on low with 10 mins on high at start.

                   Absorbency- Excellent. Once washed to full absorbancy they had no trouble with 3 hours
                   Pooplosion containment - Excellent.
                   Fit -  Great fit on C. Tall 27 month old with smallish waist and chunky thighs.

This gorgeous Nappy was given to us to test by Flush and Wash Nappies who are excellent. They have a great range of nappies all tried and tested by their very own little boy and great customer service. Cannot fault them (I have gone on to purchase from them since they gave me a Grovia to test). You can find out more about Flush and Wash and Grovia by visiting their website or finding them on Facebook.

Congratulations To Flush and Wash and thankyou so much for allowing us to review a nappy for you. You have been bumped to the top of out Favourite shops on the right hand side of the blog for the rest of April :D.